Jahangiri's candidacy for the 2021 presidential elections was rejected by the. Important dates will have a blue circle, and you can click on them to see more details. After 7 months in jail, Karbaschi was pardoned in December 1999 by.
Full-day holidays on 11 & 12 April (Thursday-Friday). Quick Dates All Dates Ramadan & Eid Al Fitr How To Use The Calendar: The calendar will show you the current day of the month. Shops, offices, and many other places may be closed but museums, normally open on Wednesdays, may be closed on the 10th of April as it is the first day of the Bayram. Half-day "preparation" (arife) holiday on Tuesday the 9th of April, full-day holiday on Wednesday, the 10th of April. Full-day holidays on 22 & 23 April (Saturday - Sunday). Shops, offices, and many other places may be closed but museums, normally open on Thursdays, may be closed on 21st of April as it is the first day of the Bayram. Half-day "preparation" (arife) holiday on Thursday the 20th of April, full-day holiday on Friday, 21st of April. Full-day holidays on 2 & 3 May(Monday-Tuesday).

Shops, offices, and many other places may be closed as on any Sunday, but museums, normally open on Sunday, may be closed on 1 May as it is the first day of the Bayram. Half-day "preparation" (arife) holiday on Saturday, 30 April, full-day holiday on Sunday, 1 May. Half-day "preparation" (arife) holiday on Tuesday, 11 May, full-day holiday on Wednesday the 12th, when many shops, offices, museums, and other places may be closed and full-day holidays on 13 & 14 May (Thursday-Friday), with travel affected through Sunday, 16 May. Ramazan Bayramı falls on these (estimated) dates: 2021 Most shops, bazaars and museums close on the first day of the holiday, and reopen on the second and third days.
Some offices and businesses may close for the full three-day holiday. Ramazan is followed immediately by the three-day national holiday of Ramazan Bayramı (also called Şeker Bayramı, Candy Festival Eid es-Seghir or Eid al-Fitr in Arabic). Ramadan for the year 2021 starts on the evening of Monday, April 12th lasting 30 days and ending at sundown on Tuesday, May 11.